2:10 Pause

Join us daily for this intentional time of prayer around Ephesians 2:10

At 2:10PM each day we ask you to:

    • Pause your activity/work and turn your heart and mind toward God.
    • Pay Attention to where God is currently drawing your attention or focus.
    • Pray that Ephesians 2:10 may be lived out more fully in and through us as a VP3 community of friends.

Why 2:10?

Along a 210-Freeway morning commute to Pasadena, California in the spring of 1996, a seed was planted which would grow into the work of VantagePoint3. As Randy Reese sat in Los Angeles traffic that spring morning, he considered the legacies of Charles Simeon (1759-1836) and Henrietta Mears (1890-1963), two people who had brought significant depth and renewal to the Church by paying close attention to the leadership formation of others. While pondering their lives that morning, Randy’s heart was grabbed by the Apostle Paul’s words in Ephesians 2:10; “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” He sensed the Lord inviting him to participate in a similar movement as Simeon and Mears, a movement of fostering depth and renewal in the Church through the intentional development of others.

From day one we have found ourselves in this 210 story as a greater VP3 community. And after 20 years of ministry, we are more compelled than ever to join our hearts and hands in the kingdom work God is doing to deepen and develop adults in Jesus’ name. For such a time as this, we seek to knit together a like-minded network of friends to pause, pay attention, and pray, keenly alert to the stunning reality that God is always and already up to something good among us.

In the spirit of knitting us all together, we would invite you to pray with us daily as we all live our way more deeply into the grace and truth of Ephesians 2:10.


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