What Matters Most? Webinar Series

Life Rhythms: What Matters Most?

We all have a rhythm to our life. How does a person’s rhythm of life lend itself to an attentiveness and cooperation with God’s activity in the world? What are some of the key factors that contribute to or frustrate a life-giving rhythm? Watch Rob and Pam with special guests Dave and Beth Booram as they invite you to consider some of the underlying factors that contribute to a rhythm of life and invite you to explore more deeply the rhythm of your life. What does matter most? (Recorded live on 2/16/22.)

Life Story: What Matters Most?

One of our pervasive tendencies in today’s world is to categorize or reduce people to something less than they are. We all have stories. We must learn to pay attention to others’ stories of joy, transition, loss, and the impact of Jesus’ love for them over time. Listen to VP3’s Rob and Pam, along with special guests Sam Nikkel and Aubrey Barnwell, as they explore the importance and the practice of paying attention to each other’s life stories. (Recorded live on 11/17/21.) Click HERE for the handout.

Life Transitions: What Matters Most?

We serve a creative and developmental God who uses life’s disruptions to shape and mature us. These “hinge moments” in our lives offer such significant possibilities for discovering who we are, who we are becoming, how we serve, and how God works in our lives. Listen in to special guests Scott and Beth Shaum, with Barnabas International, as they share so vulnerably and wisely about what we ought to be paying attention to as we walk with others through these times of transition and change. (Recorded live on 8/25/21.) Click HERE for the handout.

God is Already Up To Something Good: What Matters Most?

God is already up to something good. Around the VP3 offices, we call this our guiding assumption. It is far more than a slogan on the side of our coffee mug. Listen in with special guests Kirsten Waldschmidt and Vic Gordon, as they examine this assumption biblically and explore its implications practically. (Recorded live on 6/9/21.) Click HERE for the handout.

Spiritual Formation: What Matters Most?

Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” -Jesus (Matthew 11:30, MSG)


Jesus’ way invites a radically new set of attitudes, values, and priorities. It may take years on the journey with Jesus to realize the breadth and depth of the Spirit shaping this new life in our lives. Embracing a life rooted and grounded in God’s love takes much grace and truth and time (Ephesians 3:17).


VP3’s Rob Loane and Pam Edwards with special guest Keith Anderson have a conversation about the Spirit’s forming work in our lives and our communities. (Recorded live on 2/17/21.) Click HERE for the handout.

Leadership Development: What Matters Most?

A look at Jesus’ words and ways to help set the priorities for how we develop leaders. Jesus lived out his mission by forming and developing a learning community of disciples. Among the many other options available to him, Jesus chose to be with his followers, life upon life. What does this mean for us today? How does Jesus’ “but not so with you” continue to set the priorities for how we develop leaders? And how can we actually help people grow into lives of greater compassion, integrity, wisdom, and service in Jesus’ name. (Recorded live on 11/18/20.) Click here for the handout for this session as well as here for some additional resources we feel will be helpful.

Adult Learning: What Matters Most?

Have you ever led a small group, Bible study or discipleship gathering and thought to yourself, “how could I make this better?” This recording is for all adult leaders responsible for leading groups of any size, or for equipping others to lead. We encourage you to use this session as a “TRAINING AND EQUIPPING” resource for discussion among your team and to share with others. Reconsider how to best engage adults. (Recorded live on 8/19/20.) Click here for the handout that is helpful with this session.


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