“I experience a deep joy when I see people deepened and empowered to live more fully into who God has made them to be and what God has called them to do. I play that out at VP3 by helping to ensure that collectively we as a team and as an organization are providing resources and processes to help people discover who God is, who they are, and what God desires to do through their lives. Susan is my wife, soul mate and friend…Liam is our son in whom we are simply amazed. I am originally from Canada, where my vocational work was that of a journeyman electrician. When I married Susan, I began another educational journey in preparation for the ministries I am a part of today…undergraduate at University of Sioux Falls (BA), masters at Sioux Falls Seminary (MDiv), and then doctoral work at Fuller Seminary (DMiss). I co-authored with Keith Anderson the book, Spiritual Mentoring: A Guide for Seeking and Giving Direction (IVP, 1999) and Deep Mentoring: Guiding Others on Their Leadership Journey (IVP, 2012) with Rob Loane.”