God, giver of life
you alone know
how our life can actually succeed.
Teach us in the silence of your presence
to reverence this mystery:
how in the encounter with you,
how under your gaze and in your word
we recognize ourselves
as your image and likeness.
Show us how to let go
of whatever hinders us
from meeting you,
from letting ourselves be touched by your Word.
Help us to welcome and accept
whatever in us yearns to come alive
in the image and likeness
you have dreamed for us
today and every day
for ever and ever.*
-Peter van Breeman
Reflect and Pray:
- Read prayerfully aloud three times through–What phrase or phrases are capturing your attention?
- What are the things that are currently hindering you from meeting the Lord? Convert your thoughts into a written prayer…
*Peter van Breemen, The God Who Won’t Let Go (Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2001), 19. A portion of this prayer can be found in The Journey Stage 2: Personal Foundations, page 17.