Author: Rob Loane

Page: 14

I was doing some reading yesterday afternoon and came across a prayer from Walter Brueggemann. I thought I would share it with you all. I couldn’t help but think of Sam Gamgee’s question to Frodo in The Lord of the Rings — “What sort of tale have we fallen into?” The prayer/poem is entitled “Swept […]


One of the central surprises within the biblical testimony is the way Jesus’ life expresses God’s power and authority. In many ways, Jesus turns all 1st century understandings of authority on their head. The “but not so with you” (Luke 22:26) of his teaching and his life offended many and shocked everyone. Most who were […]


We face tremendous pressure in our lives today to be simply spectators of thisJesus.  But faithful living has never been a spectator sport.  Over 150 years ago Danish Christian thinker Søren Kierkegaard emphasized this by drawing a contrast between being an admirer and being an imitator. He wrote: What, then, is the difference between an […]


I was doing some reading this afternoon and I came across a story that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. So I thought I would share it with you and let it do some stirring in your mind and heart. There once was an old monk, wise and holy, who lived in a […]


On a recent trip to Cincinnati I was enjoying a good cup of coffee and a good conversation with Vic Gordon, a good friend who pastors Kenwood Baptist Church.  We were discussing how hard it is at times to gain trust, and how rewarding a relationship can become on the other side of the things […]


Jesus’ personal way with others always offers an alternative to our culture’s dominant ways of relating. He lived out his mission by forming and developing a learning community of disciples. He had many other options available to him, but he chose to live out his purposes by being with his followers, life upon life. What […]


This morning I was reminded again of Soren Kierkegaard’s phrase “to need God is man’s highest perfection.” First time I heard these words I was sitting in a summer class up at Regent College in Vancouver, B.C.  Somewhere midway through a morning lecture, Dr. James Houston got off his notes and began to reflect more personally […]


So we are six months away from a unique retreat we host in Banff, Alberta. From Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2011 we will join together for this leadership development & spiritual formation retreat in the beautiful Canadian Rockies. Always a highlight of our VP3 calendar, The Enriching Retreat is a time of shared reflection and discussion, pause and prayer in […]


…in a culture in which there is an enormous attention to leadership, it is essential that we take a long hard look at what is previous and foundational to leadership, namely, “followership” — following Jesus (Mark 1:17) Eugene Peterson I was re-reading some of our Equipping Experience curriculum this morning and I was again reminded of how […]


For the past eleven years the ministry of VantagePoint3 has been inviting people to discover more deeply who God is, who they are and what God desires to do through their lives. The ministry has seen more than 7,000 persons go through one or more of our processes, which have helped deepen and empower them in […]


On the walls and columns of a grey stoned sanctuary hung twelve to fifteen prints of Rembrandt’s painting Return of the Prodigal Son.  The audience was a mix of parents and grandparents and nuns and pastors and students.  We were all gathered in a Beverly Hills’ Anglican church to hear writer/speaker Henri Nouwen speak on […]


We just wanted to drop an announcement or reminder of our upcoming Facilitator Training Retreats for 2011-12. In order to implement The Emerging Journey, one or more people from a local church or organization attend one of our Facilitator Training Retreats. It is one of our absolutely favorite things we do each year. A wonderful [...]



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