How many times have you heard yourself saying, or thinking,

“I don’t think I’m going to go to (fill in the blank).”

And then, you summon the energy, obedience, or heart to show up.

Later you hear yourself saying, or thinking, “I’m glad I went.”

What’s that all about?

I think I know the answer.

I’ve been reading comments included in The Journey assessments we have received at VP3.

Here’s a few that stood out: 


“Once again I am faced with the fact that I cannot make this earthly journey alone.

I see saints all around me and know that they have a story that would shock me and yet a story that God wrote, is writing, and is totally IN!!!

Understanding that each of us has a unique story makes me so much more accepting of all people….everyone has some kind of battle.”


“I used to have a negative thought about community.

I really didn’t want to do anything with community.

Going through The Journey I have learned that I do need community in my life

and that it is very important in my walk with Christ.

Thank God, I can see community with His eyes and

give it a chance without being negative towards it.”



“I have been able to see God’s work in my life all along and

understand my obligation to give back what he has given to me.

I now am encouraged and excited to walk with others in my journey.”


“I am learning to let people into my life – good and bad –

and to share my hurts and fears with them.”


“The biggest change in my life as far as I can see, is my

understanding and commitment to community.

I walk away from The Journey with a deeper desire to commit myself

to my local community of believers and to encourage and

support others to strengthen Christian bonds.”

The VP3 Team deeply treasures our walk with each of you.

Hope you are sharing a fire pit near you with others these mid-summer days.







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