Author: Pam Edwards

At VantagePoint3, we have been cultivating the art of seeing others for 23 years . Close friends know that we call this “particularizing a person.” As our lives and the communities we lead continue to re-calibrate and lean into what matters most in 2024, the importance of relationships is front and center.  As a team, we have […]


My imagination is being stretched. And I would like to stretch yours.  A neighbor has been coming by our property twice a year on behalf of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology researching the density of eastern bluebirds in the Upper Midwest. For many years she has not seen a single bluebird when she visits.  Early […]


October 27, 2023

A Harvest

From my home office window, I can see the final fruit of an exceptional pumpkin patch here on the Iowa prairie. It’s not commercial quality or quantity, no state fair winners, but it has been very rewarding and lots of fun. The grandchildren, ages 3 to 6, planted the carefully purchased seeds with no rhyme […]


Called to set a table... VantagePoint3 has been helping set a table for truly making disciples in the local church.   It really is true that we hear stories of how VP3 has been a catalyst for growth and depth in Christ almost every day. Last week I had the privilege of leading one of [...]


“How can I describe the kingdom of God? What story should I use to illustrate it? The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed planted in the ground. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of all garden plants; it grows long branches, and birds can make nests in its [...]


Almost every day around the VantagePoint3 offices we hear what we call a “mustard seed way” kind of story. God initiates something without fanfare in the human heart. And, over time it grows, without applause, to be fruitful and impactful. Today I was schooled afresh in the solid, fascinating conviction from Pastor Josh Johnson with [...]


My first introduction to Oak Hills Church in Folsom, California was in the early 2000s at a gathering called the Spiritual Formation Forum in Los Angeles. Several hundred, primarily church leaders like myself, were hungering for and exploring deeper ways of forming adults spiritually in Jesus’ name.  I sat in on a session with Mike [...]


“A quiet move of the Holy Spirit across the globe.” Unexplainable. Remarkable. Almost without effort on our part, we are making connections with like-minded ministry leaders who are looking for a process to deepen their own leadership of companionship and lead other to do the same. Enter Michael Pratt, an Indiana-born pastor serving in Ukraine [...]


What we do at VantagePoint3 is hard to explain. Curt Patterson helps us... "I was looking for a way to impact leaders and leave a legacy in the second half of my life," says Curt. Curt was introduced to VantagePoint3 at his local church, Orchard Hill Church, in Cedar Falls, Iowa in 2003. Curt and [...]


On the Iowa prairie where I live, the most humbling hobby I tend is as a beekeeper. This is my 6th year of beekeeping so you would think I would have a few things ironed out. But, instead, I am among the ranks of beekeepers with multiple years of loss, disappointment, hard work that nets […]


When the last of our three children left for college it was a big deal for me. I had this emotional tension vacillating between sadness and satisfaction.  And truth be told, I was ready for a “break.” I had earned it, right? Within the same month that I watched our son’s earthly possessions pack up […]


I woke up early this morning because I’m worried about Heather. I’ve been reaching out to her for months. I call her my “precious one” and she calls me “her angel.”  Heather was in a hard place before COVID. Then she lost her job. And her husband’s work transitioned home. Then her husband was furloughed […]



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