2:10 Pause

Written by on November 30, 2020

Since early October we have sought to gather a like-minded network of friends to pause, pay attention, and pray. The 210 PauseAt 2:10 PM each day an alarm chimes on my phone reminding me to turn my attention toward the Lord, to engage in this practice of prayer. I pause and pay attention and pray that Ephesians 2:10 may be more fully lived out in and through us as a greater VP3 community.

“For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.”  (NRSV)

From day one VantagePoint3 as a ministry has been grabbed by Ephesians 2:10. It was in the spring of 1996 when one of Randy Reese’s many commutes from La Mirada to Pasadena that year proved to be enduring in his memory and motivating in his life. As he sat in traffic on the 210 Freeway, pondering the legacies of Charles Simeon (1759-1836) and Henrietta Mears (1890-1963), he sensed the Spirit grabbing his attention with Ephesians 2:10, inviting him to join in a similar movement of fostering depth and renewal in the Church through the formation of Christian leaders.

Just four years later Randy would offer his “five loaves and two fish” and start VantagePoint3 Ministries, seeking to help adults discover more deeply who God is, who they are, and what God desires to do through their lives. Since VP3’s founding in 2000, more than 14,000 people have participated in The Journey process. This seed has grown and we at VP3 today are so grateful for how our ministry has intersected with so many people. 

And always near the core of our significant conversations as a ministry has been the question, How can Ephesians 2:10 become more lived out in us and in the people with whom we walk?

In Ephesians 2:10, the Apostle Paul emphasizes to the church in Ephesus that they are God’s workmanship (NASB), his handiwork (NIV), his masterpiece (NLT). God is uniquely and intentionally up to something beautiful in their lives. Paul encourages them to pay attention and trust God’s already shaping work in and among them. And this encouragement extends to us today. 

Do we envision our lives as somehow intimately linked to God’s ongoing mission in the world? Do we wonder what the good works are that God is slowly and patiently bringing to expression in our particular lives? How might Jesus’ life be unleashed in our lives and communities?

It has been personally meaningful to pause and pay attention and pray along these Ephesian 2:10 lines over the past couple of months. It has also been inspiring to read the recent comments of those who have joined in this 2:10 Pause each day. We do not journey alone…

“I am one of a host of leaders whose spiritual fire was ignited and fueled by Randy and this fire has been tended by the succession of leaders at VP3. Thank you for faithfully carrying the baton of this vision to deepen the church by deepening the lives of people, one at a time. I am praying for God’s favor for VP3 in this present and next season.”  (Sam in Alberta)

“There was a time I thought myself too busy to stop … I have come to realize the privilege of simply resting in the presence of the Lord, seeking His will not my own agenda. Without the pause to reflect and pray, my best efforts are far less than they could and should be. Thank you for the reminder.”  (John in California)

“God is faithful and this commitment is an offering of prayer back to Him, for this ministry that has been instrumental in guiding me back to a richer relationship with God.”  (Viv in British Columbia)

“I love it when my 2:10 alarm on my phone rings! I have never committed to a fixed time of day short prayer pause. And after two months I can say with absolute joy, ‘What a gift this has been to pause, pray and celebrate the impact of VantagePoint3 and ask for God’s provision for the future.’”  (Pam in Iowa)

“Exercising the 2:10 Pause has really helped me focus on God’s purpose for me as I enter his way of life. And it also reminds me of the impact VP3 has had on my walk in this world. Thank you!” (Penny in Indiana)


A Call to Prayer

After 20 years of ministry, we are more compelled than ever to join our hearts and hands in the kingdom work God is doing to deepen and develop adults in Jesus’ name.

Join our 210 Pause prayer practice over Advent and beyond. If you are praying with us, thank you, and let us know you are. And if you are not, will you join with us for this intentional practice of prayer around Ephesians 2:10?

Let the name of Jesus live out…


  1. David Sumarriva   On   December 2, 2020 at 12:21 pm

    Hello Rob: Thanks for your initiative of Ephesian 2:10, thanks to remember us to Randy, VantagePoint3 is a blessing in my experience as a son of God, I will be praying for your ministry. God bless you

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