A Few Good Prescriptions

Written by on October 6, 2011

Sometimes we encounter experts who have fancy credentials, smacky degrees, and weighty job descriptions.  They can give us advice because they have noticed how certain things, processes or situations can be different–hopefully better.  This past weekend at our Banff Enriching retreat I encountered 18 experts…not because they had the credentials, degrees or job descriptions to prove it, but because they stayed true to their heart, gave careful reflection, and trusted what they heard. These are folks who have become good at noticing God, themselves and others.  And, they have grown in their capacity to care more deeply about the Kingdom shaping work of God in their own local communities. Most of us spend a good bit of time wondering about how to foster real and deep change in people and perhaps even in the systems in which we seek to lead.  After careful reflection on what sorts of change they have noticed within their people and within their settings more broadly, these 18 experts were asked to write their noticings in prescription form. Here are 9 things…hard things…they would prescribe if you want to have a church or organization that has as a cultural signature (it’s what we do when we aren’t even aware we are doing it) of investing in the the deepening and empowering of its people… 1.  Cultivate a deeper knowledge of self and of God. 2.  Find ways to enhance a deeper commitment to friendship & ways to serve together. 3.  Realize that life transformation comes through intentional community. 4.  Invite relief as people come to discover who they are and who they are not. 5.  Find ways to build confidence as people step up to new opportunities. 6.  A good and challenging process of learning can foster a fresh sense of freedom. 7.  Invite people toward ongoing spiritual formation by embracing a good learning process. 8.  Make space for intentional and empowering mentoring relationships. 9.  Encourage people to risk and be bold in following after their sense of calling. If you take seriously even 3 of the 9 prescriptions above you will be well on your way to seeing significant change in your people and eventually in your setting.  But be forewarned…implementing such prescriptions will also create a deep change within you…causing you to question and wonder about how much time you give to investing in others compared to everything else on your list.

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