Spiritual Friendship

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There are three primary practices that give shape to walking well with others as a friend or a mentor: listening, question-asking, and prayer. Over the next couple blog entries, I will briefly unpack each of these practices. My reflections here are adapted from our VP3 resource entitled, Walking Alongside Others: A Mentoring Guide. I highly recommend […]


Friendship does not grow naturally out of the fast-paced, competitive, and isolated lives so many of us live. In reality, our work priorities and our household busy-ness most often stand against the cultivation of deep friendship. Yet it is friendship that most often describes an essential condition for Christian maturity. As we make space for a common sharing, […]


Intentionally walking with others, helping them grow deeper in their faith, becomes transformative when we make space to notice others particularly. For it is in the conditions of lives shared, honored, noticed, and enjoyed—that is, friendship—that something of the Spirit’s nurturing grace is imparted to us and through us to others. This noticing involves expecting […]


I have a friend who recently completed The Journey. She grew up in church and has a strong legacy of faith. Yet in the midst of The Journey, something happened – she began to see things from a new vantage point . . . Reclaimed! Just this week I grabbed a swanky paintbrush along with […]


So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us.   1 Thessalonians 2:8 Regent College’s James Houston once commented that within the evangelical Christian world we have spiritual maps and […]


The Journey takes time. That issue makes some of us hesitate because we are always looking for quick fixes. But what are the results of “quick fixes?” Seldom are they long lasting. The Journey sets the bar pretty high. That’s what sets it apart, I believe.   We need time for growth. True discipleship doesn’t take […]


One definition of the word “catalyst” is “a stimulus to change.”   What happens when someone becomes a catalyst for any type of change? Maybe you’re the catalyst in your home for a change to healthier eating. Or maybe you’re the catalyst in your church for a move toward more intentional discipleship.   I recently […]


Money is always a touchy subject. We all have some and we have decisions to make on what we do with the amount God has given us. It’s always easy to look at those who have more, and figure it’s their responsibility to carry the biggest load. Then we’re challenged with “the widow’s mite,” and […]


 How many times have you heard yourself saying, or thinking, “I don’t think I’m going to go to (fill in the blank).” And then, you summon the energy, obedience, or heart to show up. Later you hear yourself saying, or thinking, “I’m glad I went.” What’s that all about? I think I know the answer. […]


Susan (my wife) and I decided to tag team leading a Journey group in our church. Seven strong women (Judy, Jayme, Carla, Hannah, Rebekah, Andrea, Susan) as well as Seth and myself (we felt much less strong at times) made up our group.  Everyone who leads a VP3 group believes they have the best one, […]


 I am one of those people out there participating in the VP3 process, A Way of Life, in my local church.  I’m so glad I did.   Years ago I would have convinced myself that I could mastermind my sanctification and create a growth plan on my own time. But this Lone Ranger approach would […]


A few years ago I stumbled across a journal entry of Henri Nouwen; and as so often before, his words deeply resonated with my heart. Nouwen wrote, I have come to realize how hard it is to have a real spiritual conversation. I keep wondering how people with deep religious convictions can speak together at […]



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